Many people do not have the money to get to their medical appointments. This could simply be local appointments or even surgeries in Billings, Salt Lake or Seattle.
This is one of our most frequent requests. To get to doctor appointments in Billings, Bozeman, Missoula, etc. These are usually to see specialists, so the need is crucial. To get back and forth to work in town or out of town. To look for a job in Livingston or Bozeman. To get to the Livingston Food Resource Center for food. To get children to and from school. To get to Job Service and the Food Stamp Center in Bozeman.
We prevent homelessness by helping with rent, and also help with Security Deposits so people can get into housing, because these deposits can be a real barrier to being housed.
During the winter months the utility bills run higher. The choice between food and warmth is a bad trade off. Getting some assistance with winter bills can make a big difference.
While there are thrift stores within the community, not all needs can be met there. Shoes and clothing have to fit. Winter coats are expensive. But having the right clothes for the season is essential.
Mobile devices have become a way of life in this day and age. They do provide a higher level of safety and security. Plus they help people keep track of each other and provide comfort. We put trac phones in people's hands so they can look for work, or call their doctors or make medical appointments, or call Social Security.
We help people get their doctor-ordered medicines that they need to live. Once they have made it to the doctor’s appointment, prescribed medicines are the next hurdle.
We feed hungry people. That may be in the form of direct assistance, gift cards to local grocery stores or by helping people get to the Livingston Food Resource Center. Nutritious food can be life saving.
Sometimes people are doing fine until the car breaks down and there is no way to get back and forth to work. Small repairs make a big difference.
We make cars safe & functioning by paying for minor repairs, buying tires, alternators or new batteries.
Weather conditions sometimes make it difficult to get to shopping or appointments. A little help goes a long way.
We put people on buses to go back home to family when they can't make it here.
If you haven’t cared for a baby lately, there are many needs and items essential to provide for our most vulnerable citizens. Think Diapers. And lots of them!
We get people to surgeries as far away as Seattle.
We get people to chemotherapy in other cities.
There are many who depend on Social Security or Social Security Disability as their sole source of income. The month is usually longer than the check. We assist seniors and the disabled in need.
We prevent homelessness by helping with rent. We feed hungry people.
We help job seekers get to interviews so they can find employment.