Who is served

Everyone—including, but not limited to, Working Poor, Under-Employed, Senior Citizens, Veterans, Single Parent Families, Homeless Individuals and Families, Unemployed, Disabled Children and Adults—anyone who asks for help.

Most of those whom we serve are employed at wages that aren't “living” wages, causing them to always run short on food, gas and utilities because often every paycheck goes to the high rents in Park County which take every cent. Many others live on fixed incomes of Social Security or Social Security Disability—or try to live—and can never meet all the basic needs of living.

Who is served

Everyone—including, but not limited to, Working Poor, Under-Employed, Senior Citizens, Veterans, Single Parent Families, Homeless Individuals and Families, Unemployed, Disabled Children and Adults—anyone who asks for help.

Most of those whom we serve are employed at wages that aren't “living” wages, causing them to always run short on food, gas and utilities because often every paycheck goes to the high rents in Park County which take every cent. Many others live on fixed incomes of Social Security or Social Security Disability—or try to live—and can never meet all the basic needs of living.

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” 

Charles Dickens

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” 

Charles Dickens

Some of the 
ways we help

These are some of the ways we have helped people. Every year we help over 500 people. Every situation and need is unique, so there is a wide variety to the  assistance.

Some of the ways we help

These are some of the ways we have helped people. Every year we help over 500 people. Every situation and need is unique, so there is a wide variety to the  assistance.

(Scroll Over Photos)

Information on Food Insecurity

Nutritionally Adequate Food

According to the Montana Budget and Policy Center, “One in six Montana kids live in food insecure households.....meaning just over 12 percent of Montanans do not have consistent access to nutritionally adequate foods.”

Making Trade-offs

They also report, from the US Department of Agriculture, that “Food insecure households are not necessarily food insecure all the time. It may just reflect a household's need to make trade-offs between important basic needs, such as housing or medical bills, and purchasing nutritionally adequate foods.”

Can’t Feed All in Need

We see this need almost daily in our community. While community members can go to the Food Resource Center once a month for a week's worth of groceries, the Center can by no means feed all the hungry men, women and children in Park County.

We Fill A Gap

That's where we try to do our part to address this need. We do so by giving gift cards for food and sundries for local grocery stores to many individuals and families every week of the year. Nothing brightens up a sad and hungry face like this gift.
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